Tuesday, January 30, 2007

La loquera de la decada

Parece que cada 10 anos me da una forma de loquera,
y esto lo digo conociendo muy bien que se oye mal cuando digo esto y trabajo con personas que tienen problemas mentales.
Pero para mi, loquera y problema mental a veces pueden ser la misma cosa y otras veces son completamente diferentes.
Lo que me susede es un desequilibrio de lo que conozco y lo familiar a un mundo donde no encuentro ni mis pensamientos o mi cara.
Lo bueno de esto es que siempre me doy cuenta de tantas personas maravillosas que viven a mi alrededor,
y que al final de todo el equilibrio o la "normalidad" son solo palabras para describir una percepcion que tal vez no existe.
Tambien me doy cuenta de que siempre llego a una etapa de mi vida con mas conocimiento y amor por la persona que soy y el mundo que tengo.
En mi confusion se que no cambiaria las cosas.

Thursday, January 11, 2007


If you look in the top left of www.nmsu.edu site you'll find the picture of my best friend (unless you're looking at it a year from now and they changed the page) when she was in college, and a year or two after I met her.

Right now she's in Africa for a month visiting friends and people she met while in the Peace Corps. I was there visiting her about 4 years ago and I miss some things about it. I guess in two weeks I really liked the idea of eating outside, of wearing long skirts, and learning about a way of life that is very different from the one I have now...and so similar to the one I once had in Mexico.

Bon nuit Meg!

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

I finally get to UVA

I finally got to walk the grounds of all those memories that my friends have of UVA in Charlottesville. April and Shalini took Eric, Tenzin and I on the grand tour. My favorite part was the architecture, I'm gonna be old and say that don't make them like they used to.

Happy 2007 Day

New Year's Eve: Games

How could I forget russian roulette with electricity & Shalini dancing!
I took part in neither.

New Years Eve/Day: Amaryllis

I can attest to the fact that alcohol has an affect on your thoughts and actions. I had a few glasses of wine, lets guess maybe five in total for the dozen times that I got up to add just a little more to my glass; oh, and champagne of course to celebrate at the end of the countdown. Well, a mischievous little evil got into me, lets call her Amaryllis, and it proceeded into a seductive scheme with a painful end. Amaryllis whispered a few sweet nothings…or more like a lot of perverted somethings, and made a lot of promises of sexual favors…then at some point she passes out in a bus…woke in the wee hours of the morning and puked the food that got into her stomach a little too late at night – and that was the end of her.

New Year's Eve: People

Back to Sherando VA for a visit to Max and his family.

pixies song...or something else!


hold my head
we'll trampoline
finally through the roof
on to somewhere near
and far in time
her covering
traveling career
she can really move
oh velveteen!

my velouria, my velouria
even i'll adore you
my velouria

say to me
where have you been
finally through the roof
and how does lemur skin
reflect the sea?

we will wade in the shine of the ever
we will wade in the shine of the ever
we will wade in the tides of the summer
every summer
every summer
my velouria
my velouria

i know she's here
in California
i can see the tears
of shastasheen

my velouria, my velouria
even i'll adore your
my velouria