Thursday, December 28, 2006
Early Christmas in NM & AZ
It's a stereotype, but it works for my dad who naps around 7 and goes to bed before 10pm.

On our way from Albuquerque to Gallup we passed 18 trailers, 0 passed us, then I fell asleep. This tells you a lot: for one, that I fall sleep in any moving thing, be it plain, car, train (I’m the kind that has woken up during take-off). Another thing is that in our family we don’t talk much, so I have time to count things like particular kinds of vehicles, or cattle, or boulders, although I did not count any but the first. With us many big trucks you’d know that I-40 is a big part of the domestic and international trade. And of course, you can tell from the beginning of my story that my dad drives fast – 0 trailers passed us (and they all have deadlines to meet).

Something's burning!

As I was driving from Gallup to Phoenix to visit my mom’s youngest aunt my right eye kept bothering me so I pulled over to punish the unruly eyelashes. I pinched and pulled until they surrendered and stopped bothering me. Through the mirror I saw that my eye was a little red, but the problem was solved. I think I have lived in big cities for too long because the site of an RV pulling over and just waiting there behind me made me think of all the possible ways that the person in the monstrous thing could hurt us (my mom and brother were in the car oblivious to my thoughts). So, without announcing to him that my eye was ok I got back on the road. As I was speeding up and he drove passed me and I waved to signal that I was ok and thanks, he waved back – then I realized “hello” I’m in New Mexico, and if they’d kill anyone it would be a family member, if they’d kill a stranger it would be at night…wait a minute, I’m not in NM I already crossed to Arizona!!

"Putaputaputaputaputa" eso es lo que Esbeidy dice cuando pretende llamar por celular - y mi prima estaba preocupada que no iba a hablar por ser prematura.
El nombre le cai a la personalidad, inmediatamente se pone para fotos.

MY FAMILY minus a half-brother

Esto es lo que bailaba cuando era chica
It's a stereotype, but it works for my dad who naps around 7 and goes to bed before 10pm.

On our way from Albuquerque to Gallup we passed 18 trailers, 0 passed us, then I fell asleep. This tells you a lot: for one, that I fall sleep in any moving thing, be it plain, car, train (I’m the kind that has woken up during take-off). Another thing is that in our family we don’t talk much, so I have time to count things like particular kinds of vehicles, or cattle, or boulders, although I did not count any but the first. With us many big trucks you’d know that I-40 is a big part of the domestic and international trade. And of course, you can tell from the beginning of my story that my dad drives fast – 0 trailers passed us (and they all have deadlines to meet).

Something's burning!

As I was driving from Gallup to Phoenix to visit my mom’s youngest aunt my right eye kept bothering me so I pulled over to punish the unruly eyelashes. I pinched and pulled until they surrendered and stopped bothering me. Through the mirror I saw that my eye was a little red, but the problem was solved. I think I have lived in big cities for too long because the site of an RV pulling over and just waiting there behind me made me think of all the possible ways that the person in the monstrous thing could hurt us (my mom and brother were in the car oblivious to my thoughts). So, without announcing to him that my eye was ok I got back on the road. As I was speeding up and he drove passed me and I waved to signal that I was ok and thanks, he waved back – then I realized “hello” I’m in New Mexico, and if they’d kill anyone it would be a family member, if they’d kill a stranger it would be at night…wait a minute, I’m not in NM I already crossed to Arizona!!

"Putaputaputaputaputa" eso es lo que Esbeidy dice cuando pretende llamar por celular - y mi prima estaba preocupada que no iba a hablar por ser prematura.
El nombre le cai a la personalidad, inmediatamente se pone para fotos.

MY FAMILY minus a half-brother

Esto es lo que bailaba cuando era chica
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
minus fan minus memories
Ok, so a few seconds ago I thought I would be able to provide the reasons why I have not been able to work with the pictures I've taken in the past few weeks, but since I'm not good with computers I erased it...I hope Shalini doesn't blame me for breaking the fan on her computer...can I blame it on a virus?!
Friday, December 01, 2006
I always considered myself a performer, except I don't really perform since I left elementary school. Once I informed my mom that I wanted to become a professional dancer, she just tone had given away the joke. My dad on the other hand went on and on for a few minutes about how much time I had already spent in a career in psychology.
I'm still waiting for my big break!

I'm still waiting for my big break!